Sunday, November 1, 2009

Getting ready for final delivery

This is it... it's almost the end of the line. This weekend, I'm preparing for the final deliverables including the final reports, and the project which are due on Tuesday, 3rd November. I can't believe it's almost over already.

Last week has been the "bug fixing" week. I didn't get to fix the header problem the way I wanted to work in the end. I ended up using CSS to replace the header and the only problem now that the header is not clickable. =( However, I did fix the the other problem with the drop-down menu. Alastair adviced me to use the PHP command instead of JavaScript. So it solved my problems!

Last week was also the peer presentation day! Thanks to the UTS server that went down, I became one of the few people who was able to show my project because I was using a different host server. As a  result I was interrogated and reviewed by a larger group that I would have prepared for. =)... It was fun though! Thank you all for giving me your valuable feedback.

Well, it has been fun and a valuable learning experience through this semester. However, I can't wait for the holidays to start.