Tuesday, September 15, 2009

WordPress saga begins...

As mentioned in the previous post, I'm also considering to build my site using WordPress as CMS site. I was a little bit concerned about it at first as I wasn't sure whether it was a good idea to change my original plan half-way through the course. I was worried that I wouldn't have enough time to do the research. However, I realised this is necessary and I just need to do it.

I've spent my weekend to install WordPress on my Mac. I also installed MAMP (Mac Apache MySQL and PHP), so I can set up a web-server locally on my Mac.

Installing the WordPress was pretty straight forward. I followed the video tutorials of how to install WordPress site from Lynda.com. It's really helpful. I played around with it, downloading themes, set up a blog, creating pages. etc. I couldn't believe how many really beautifully designed WordPress themes out there. It's quite exciting!

I planned to create my website using WordPress. It means I would need to modify the themes to suit my design. There are still a lot things I need to learn about WordPress, which I need to go through at some stage so I'm able to build my website project. Luckily, WordPress has extensive documentations and support. There are a lot of resources in WordPress topic. I'm convinced that I would be able to find something that I need amongst those resources. The problem would be to pick which one is suitable for my needs. I think I just need to get on-board and use it. Hopefully, I will learn more about it as I go.

If anyone can point me to a good WordPress tutorials, please let me know. I'd love to hear from you.

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