Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Practicing CSS

This week, I've looking at video tutorials from Lynda.com on HTML and CSS. The have great tutorials on pretty much anything you would like to learn. I thought to do a little bit of practical exercise, I decided to "style" my Learning Proposal a little... =). It's good practice!

I embedded the CSS style inside my HTML document. It took me a while to decide which colours I want to use, which font I like. etc. I even tried to put some background image on the page. However, I decided to keep it simple for the moment. The background image can be a little bit too much distraction to a page with a lot of text. Anyway, I had a lot of fun and I can't wait to explore more what I can do with CSS!


  1. Hi Vera,

    Good start at using CSS in your Learning Proposal. Just by changing the font it looks a lot better than the standard layout from HTML, and I'm wishing I'd done something similar.


  2. Hi Tammy,

    Thanks for the comment. Honestly, I started it because I thought it was a quick way for me to test something without writing a lot of HTML text at first =) So, yeah.. I would definitely recommend anyone to use their learning proposal as a practice run. Good luck!

